Work on this started near Granada, Spain 20230728
I am default fat
Sitting at the beach looking out at a multitude of people I noticed that nearly every 40 year-old man out there was fat. I'm in no way special, I am default fat. If I don't do something out of the ordinary, I will be fat.
What other defaults that I don't want are in my future?
- quality of relationships
- overall mobility and health
- relationship with kids
- strength of finances. I'm sure there are many more.
How do you find out what your defaults are?
Talk to people 10, 20 years older than you and ask them for all the things that suck in their lives. You have to have at least a sample of 5 people or so to start defining what the default is. The person should also be relatively similar to you.
Inspiration for this came from Default Dead
Default Alive or Default Dead is a great essay by Paul Graham.