Cover of Le Monde D’hier book

Information about the book

author: Stefan Zweig
title: Le Monde D'Hier
pages: 563
ISBN-13: 978-2-07-079219-1\

Highlights I made in the book

  • p.24 Memory is volatile

  • p.27 Stability + security creates great demand for insurance

  • p.34 What is the value of independence in the modern world. What do you use *fuck you money* for?

  • p.37 What did eastern european jews want?

  • p.51 Jews were always looking out for the arts, Christians would buy horses and other.

  • p.53 a view on multiculturalism in europe vs. USA

  • p.65 young people were diminished for fear of change of the status quo.

  • p.95 physical activity was revered even in 1942!

  • p.97 if interested in intellectual pursuits you must start young. Physical endeavours can be done later in life.

  • p.110 the arts were censored in the 19th, Russia was an exception

  • p.113 the European Burqa?

  • p.117 The more you limit the more people push that limit

  • p.125 Nice image on prostitution, Arnaud will like it.

  • p.145 real poetry comes from experience

  • p.150 Origin of the idea for Israel? Theodor Herzl

  • p.157 Respect of time

  • p.167 We learn most from our peers

  • p.170 Value of translation, best way to learn to write.

  • p.189 The french state is a patron for writers.

  • p.192 What is a good maîtresse de maison in France?

  • p.230 Librairie de l'Ile - very exclusive publisher in Vienna.

  • p.247 On doubting yourself RATHENEAU

  • p.257 Description of USA 1900

  • p.267 Why did WWI happen?

  • p.271 Recommendation on what to read Romain Roland

  • p.296 Everyone thought things were going to be fine until they weren't WWI

  • p.299 The unifying power of war.

  • p.302 Seems that today we are in a similar situation than 1914.

  • p.312 In war countries try to own everything of value they can get their hands on, even cultural works.

  • p.320 poetry had more value before the radio - imagine now with Netflix!?

  • p.328 Who really knows what war is like?

  • p.334 Does the loser have the moral high-ground?

  • p.340 How moral and cultural values were important in WWI and not in WWII.

  • p.367 Revolutionaries are dogmatic about being contrarian.

  • p.371 Austria didn't want to be a country, they were forced to exist after WWI

  • p.384 Description of economy after WWI. High inflation and results.

  • p.394 Progressives attacked Austria after the WWI.

  • p.407 Gay people had surprising power for a small group.

  • p.418 What Zweig thinks is special about his books - suppression of all that is superfluous.

  • p.433 Description of Russia, everything was organized, nothing worked.

  • p.470 Importance of order in Germany, it is essential.

  • p.474 How Hitler became so extreme so fast, small tests before big moves.

  • p.491 Everyone thought all was good in Austria just prior to WWII, as always.

  • p.530 You are not human without a passport.