This is a short page which contains what I'm working on now. I'm not the only one maintaining a page like this, check out this page nownownow.
We are actively looking for another acquisition now. Our purchase of LivingFashions, Yogiii and Henry Hunter have been quite successful. We are still bullish on the e-commerce space and believe that the processes and team we have built can handle more volume.
Our current target is a company focused on the pilates niche. We are excited about the prospect of the acquisition. I will discuss in more detail if we move forward with the transaction.
I'm also entertaining the idea of hiring someone new to the company to help us manage more brands and complexity. I also want this person to bring some new perspectives and ideas to the table. It would be great to have someone challenge our current strategy.
I'm sad that I'm not currently able to continue my kettlebell workouts and progression. I'm working on the Concept2 Holiday Challenge. Like every year, it's tough going. I'm keeping some running thoughts on it here.
- Kettlebells and gymnastics rings!
- Time with the boys in the afternoons. Mornings are for work.
- We still don't have a clear idea of what our net margins look like after the fee changes Amazon introduced this year.
- We are looking at many more companies as prospects of purchase now - about one every 10 days or so until we find something we like.