Started work on this 2023-10-27 in Madrid, Spain
I have to do physical activity for my mental wellbeing
I swam between 15 and 20 hours a week for years between when I was 9 to when I was 15. I think it's because of this that I go a little crazy when I can't do some sort of physical activity for too long. Ever since I became a father though, I have less time for that. I had to find some activities which were efficient in terms of time spent.
I found two:
- rowing on a machine - Concept2 RowErg of course
- kettlebell training - mostly hard style
where I track my rowing practice
I track all of my rowing workouts in an online log provided by Concept2. This is the link to my profile. I really like that log because it stores very detailed data and it's synced automatically by the phone app of concept2.
I take part on the holiday challenge from Concept2. Below some notes on the years:
where I track my kettlebell practice
Although I started trying different things with Kettlebells about 2 years ago, I decided to see a coach in mid-June 2023 to get a little better at it and make sure my technique was good enough to avoid injury. I am tracking my practice sessions on a separate page: kettlebells.