In the 90s and early 2000s, people used to share links to sites that they liked.
I think that that was a great thing.
It allowed people to discover sites independently of search engines and other marketing machinery.
Below some personal sites that I like to read:
John Kozubik's personal site. He is the founder of - a service I use to keep our company files and personal backups.
Derek Sivers, he was the original inspiration for this whole site - thank you! Take a look at this page particularly. A lot of what he has written has been influential though.
Kevin Kelly, there is a lot of great content there. Pages like these are why I go there though.
Luke Smith, I don't agree with a lot of what he says. He has a pretty interesting set of videos. I particularly like his Based Cooking site. It uses Pull Requests on Github to build a recipe site without ads.