First edited in Madrid, Spain
In the 90s and early 2000s, people used to share links to sites that they liked. I think that that was a great thing. It allowed people to discover sites independently of search engines and other marketing machinery.
Below some personal sites that I like to read:
- John Kozubik's personal site. He is the founder of - a service I use to keep our company files and personal backups.
- Patrick Collison, I especially like his "fast" page which compiles large projects which were completed quickly.
- Low Tech Magazine, take a look at the the revenge of the hot water bottle. You can also take a look at No Tech Magazine!
- Palladium Magazine, this has edgy well researched essays.
- Derek Sivers, he was the original inspiration for this whole site - thank you! Take a look at this page particularly. A lot of what he has written has been influential.
- Kevin Kelly, there is a lot of great content there. Pages like these are why I go there though.
- Luke Smith, I don't agree with a lot of what he says. He has a pretty interesting set of videos. I particularly like his Based Cooking site. It uses Pull Requests on Github to build a recipe site without ads.
- Nat Friedman, I don't know too much about him yet but I do like a lot what he is doing with Herculaneum Papyri
- Paul Graham, I'm not particularly interested in large startups. I just think he spends time trying to find things that are true.
Some useful sites that answer your question instead of giving you a bunch of AI generated content
- Based Cooking, a site with recipes. You can add more yourself with pull requests on GitHub.
- Self Hosting tutorials, gives you detailed flows for setting up services like your own site or email on your server.
If you want to point me in the direction of other sites I could be interested in, feel free to contact me on twitter.