The Old Man and The Sea by Hemingway

Information about the book author: Ernest Hemingway title: The Old Man and the Sea pages: 128 Highlights and notes As I read this book, I annotated the passages included in this PDF: Candide - Notes Notes and thoughts A super simple short story with an uncomplicated message. The old man’s pursuit made me think of business. The fish being the pursuit of vanity metrics: number of stores, machines, revenues, money raised, and others. The old man loses sight of the end game - he sacrifices his efforts and the life of the fish for nothing. ...

2025-03-06 · 1 min · Rodrigo

Candide ou l'Optimisme de Voltaire

Information about the book author: Voltaire title: Candide ou l'Optimisme pages: 120 Highlights and notes As I read this book, I annotated the passages included in this PDF: Candide - Notes Notes and thoughts It’s incredible how much context is necessary to enjoy this book. If you don’t know about Leibniz or the historical context of the book, you can get lost easily and simply not enjoy the book. ...

2025-02-25 · 1 min · Rodrigo

Balzac: le roman de sa vie

Another great biography by Zweig, this was particularly beautifully written (at least the french version) translated by Fernand Delmas

2025-02-12 · 1 min · Rodrigo

La Confusion des Sentiments by Stefan Zweig

A great look into the educated of the first few years of the 20th century.

2025-02-12 · 1 min · Rodrigo

The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Leo Tolstoy

Short reflections on this book that I had while I read it

2025-02-12 · 1 min · Rodrigo

Notes on Le Monde D'Hier Book by Stefan Zweig

Le Monde D’Hier is an excellent read by Stefan Zweig. I highly recommend it. It will provide you with a good feel for the first half of the 20th century.

2025-02-05 · 3 min · Rodrigo

Notes on Napoleon A Life by Andrew Roberts

Excellent overview of Napoleon’s life. It’s not an academic book yet not romanticized; it hits an excellent balance between both of those.

2024-12-04 · 3 min · Rodrigo