- M1 macbook air since Oct 2021
- Lenovo x250 laptop since 2015
- DELL 4k AMOLED screen 27 inch
- Logitech K380 keyboard
- Logitech M500s mouse wired
- Logitech C920 webcam
- Rogue kettlebells (8kg - 28kg) since 2021
- Decathlon branded gymnastics rings and weight belt
- Brompton bicycle since 2022 - one of my favorite things (Roughly 2K
KM travelled)
- Bicicapace JustLong bicicle for moving the kids around since Sept
- Boox Palma for reading
- NeoVim
- Storage & backups
- Mail app for email - Thunderbird uses far too much RAM on mac for
some reason
- Ubuntu on the laptop, OSX on macbook
- jrnl for keeping a journal in plain text
- Firefox for personal browsing and Chrome for work
- SqLite for anything that requires a DB or even simple analytics.
This tool has been a life saver for me.
- BASH as much as possible, python when that doesn't cut it
- Syncthing - use it you won't be